-Short Update Post-

I’ve been scrolling through my old posts like



Oh well.

Random but I’ve been thinking- a lot of people blog more seriously and stuff but… honestly I like being casual so sorry if I seem unprofessional or something (this was never supposed to be a professional thing, I just wanted a new (for me) place to post what I want)! c:

Now for all the stuff no one cares about (what I’ve done recently that I feel like writing/typing/whatever somewhere):

  •  My last post was before the Ed Sheeran concert…. THAT WAS A THING! It was an amazing thing, his voice is just-
  • I started watching Supernatural 😀 (I’m only on Season 6, but once I finish all the episodes on Netflix I’ll probably make a post about it)
  • School ended, but now it’s starting again help
  • I procrastinated on my summer reading assignment whoops
  • Believe it or not, I did actually do one thing over the summer besides scrolling, Netflix, food, etc. I went to my grandparents’ house a state away (that was actually when I started Supernatural…. Hm.). I painted a little, which, for the record, I’m not very good at, and we saw Wicked! That musical is life.
  • I got a couple t-shirts and posters? They make me happy, alright?
  • Aaaaaaaand that’s all I’ve done in like five months. So productive.
  • SPEAKING OF PRODUCTIVE THOUGH- I had a slight pre- school year crisis and stopped admining most of my pages. I did keep my admin page and occasionally post on it, though. 🙂 I thought it was best, but apparently did nothing *cough* summer reading *cough*
  • I did make two Dan and Phil pages, though, and I’m still on those because I couldn’t bring myself to give them to anyone as most of the admins on them are inactive.
  • I also read some books and cleaned out my bookshelf.
  • Okay that’s it.

I’ll write something interesting soon.

Stay amazing ❤


This is Becoming a Regular Thing Oops

By the title I don’t mean this blog, because whatever it is, it’s obviously not “regular”

I mean, let’s be real here, I post like once a month X’D

I came on today to delete it, actually, because I hardly do anything with it and I’ve kind of been putting stuff more (although more condensed versions) on my admin page than on here, but there are some posts that I can’t really move to my admin page or just seem like they belong here more than there.

I guess I could try to post more here, but I honestly have no idea what to post about… That’s why I don’t say anything for weeks and weeks :/

Anyway, when I said “this is becoming a regular thing,” by ‘this’ I meant me randomly posting things that no one cares about at random, irregular times (the things that nobody cares about being mostly “I have no idea what to post halp me!!!!”)

So yeah…

But I think I’ll just keep this blog and post every once in a while whatever is on my mind at the time or whatever..

Well, here’s the part where I update you on what’s been happening recently ^w^

Let’s see…

  • I got three new t-shirts (which is pretty unimportant, but it makes me happy so you know what, I’m gonna say it) [the shirts were Sherlock, Harry Potter (a Hufflepuff one as I recently decided that’s my house more than Ravenclaw- see my last post, I’m pretty sure I talked about it?), and Finding Nemo (“Just keep swimming”)]
  • I got tickets to an Ed Sheeran concert which makes me so excited!!!!!!! I’m going with my friend for my birthday (which was in February, but the concert is in May.. oh well I don’t care) so that’s AMAZING
  • I became an admin on a new page (Bookish Obsessions)! It only has 184 likes, but it’s a pretty cool page
  • I successfully did a quiz on my Harry Potter page which is a thing worth mentioning because the activity has been kind of low recently and people aren’t very active (as far as commenting goes, I mean- liking is ok and pretty good for the reach on each post) Now that I mention it, the reach has gone up a bit which is great because it was pretty low for a while… As I was saying, I completed a quiz even though it was the same 3 or so people playing the whole time (that’s common though, for things like this) and got a couple people to comment for prizes.
  • I reached 140 likes on my admin page 😀
  • That’s pretty much it X3

So, as you can see, my life is fairly boring still.  I’m still not caught up with my schoolwork (in fact, I’m kind of just falling more behind), but I have been turning more things in for English..

Anyways, I guess that’s all.

You’re amazing and I love you and yeah ok byeee ❤


I know I’ve kind of been gone a while, but I’ve been tRYING TO SORT MY LIFE OUT.

So you know that super long post that I made a while back that was pretty much me just venting some of my thoughts? No? That’s fine, don’t go read it- it’s boring and long and probably makes no sense as I was half asleep the entire time I was writing it.

Anyway, let me just explain (again? I dunno, I can’t remember… sorry!! I write things down in different places, so I’m not sure what I’ve put where and I don’t want to check right now because I’m just that lazy.)

Image result for dan howell saying he's lazy

Actually, never mind… I’m not going to explain (again?) right now because I just started to and it’s gonna take a while…

Pretty much I’ve just been trying (sort of) to catch up on school things, get more active on admining my Facebook pages, and just figuring crap out….

But anyways, let me catch you up on what’s happened since my last post:

My birthday happened!! I didn’t get much on my birthday, but I’m going to an Ed Sheeran concert in a few months 😀 (probably… we looked at violins yesterday, and I might get one so that’s expensive and it might be too much to have both D: )

I changed my admin name! It used to be ~Fravenclorge, but then I decided/realized that I was a little bit more of a Hufflepuff than a Ravenclaw, and changed it to ~The Dancing Dark Side (sort of got that from A Very Potter Musical). The whole story is on my admin page, though ^-^

I procrastinated!

I got sucked in to my terrible mind vortex of sadness and realizing how much I have/am wasting my life!

I watched Danisnotonfire and related to almost everything he said!

I watched other YouTubers, scrolled through social media websites, and listened to Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, and BriBry (although I guess he counts as both a YouTuber and musician)!


Welp, I guess I’ll just go do that some more…. Bye <<< 333

p.s. I might do another book review soon c:

Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!! (I’m sorry, I’m in a strange mood today :D)


I’m so sorry, I will never say that again XP

So I thought I needed to make a post, so I’ll just let you know what’s been going on in my life the past week or so c:

But first: I want to do book reviews, but I don’t know what books to do!
I also want to post more but I don’t know what to post about!
Please please please if you have opinions on these topics comment ideas on this post or scroll down two posts and read that one! (It’s called ‘Stuck D:’ )  😀

So, let’s see… on Friday I went to a Harry Potter yule ball with my friend… there were a lot of people there and they had live snakes and games and stuff.  Plus the dancing and music and stuff and they kept house points… Not sure who won, but it was pretty fun.  I think we needed a bigger group of people, though, because we were sort of awkwardly standing in the corner the whole time 😛  Oh well, it wasn’t too bad!

Hmmm… Oh!  Yesterday the things I ordered from the Dan and Phil Shop came!!!! I’m so excited!  I live in the U.S., so it took a month!  For anyone interested (aka nobody, but too bad- deal XD or just skip to the next paragraph 😛 ), I got the ‘the cat whiskers come from within’ t-shirt, the pixel people t-shirt, and a llama hat =^.^=

Then later I went to Hot Topic and got two Sherlock posters and a t-shirt (I like t-shirts, okay)

I was just about to say something else but I forgot, oops :I

Well, just one more thing then, I guess.  I’ve started putting <3s after I say bye, so I might just make that a thing… that I do… I also always say bye awkwardly because I don’t know how to end this crap XD

So yeah, kay, I’m done now, aslk;fajsdlkf

Byeeee! ❤

A Rant About School Because I Don’t Have Anywhere Else To Put It And I Don’t Know What I’m Doing With My Life Now Or Ever And I’m Just Having One Of Those Nights Which Are Actually Most Nights And Oh Gosh, Please Help Me! ;~;

I just need to rant about something.  Read it or not, whatever, I just need to let it out.  I think about this all the time, but I never tell it to anyone..?  I guess usually thinking it sort of feels like I’ve told someone, as I used to never think about it/let my self think about it?  I don’t know.

I’m just going to say right now that if you read this, I’m so sorry if it doesn’t make sense.  I’m just going to say what’s on my mind and not attempt to edit it or reread it or anything, so yeah.

So I’m a freshman in high school and I just get so frustrated all the time.

The thing is, I shouldn’t really have a reason to get frustrated.  I’ve set myself up for it, and now I’m stuck in this situation with no idea how to get out.

I actually started caring about my grades and trying to get good ones in… 5th grade, I think?

But I guess it really all started third trimester (we had trimesters at my middle school) of 7th grade.  So the first two-thirds of the year, I got straight A’s.  I’m not sure if that was because I wanted them or if I was doing it to show that I could or because I wanted to make my parents happy or if I just wanted to get straight A’s for the first time, or if I wanted to do better than my brothers (who, obviously, didn’t get straight A’s in 7th grade :P)…  Anyways, third trimester was just not the best.  My grades went down and I started caring less and blah, blah, blah.

Then in 8th grade (last year, for anyone lost), I got straight A’s first trimester.  Second trimester I started to care less and less and less.  Then third trimester came and I just totally stopped doing my homework and stopped even sort of paying attention in those classes that no one pays attention in anyways.  I stopped trying.  I stopped caring.  I ended the year with really bad grades.  I’ve never actually ended a term with an F before, because if I have one (before last tri. of 8th grade, anyway) I get it up before grades are final.  Well anyway, in my U.S. History class I had an F last term.  I had a C or D or something in math, I dunno, but I only had, like, 2 A’s out of all my 8(?) classes.

The only way I got through that year was by telling myself, “It doesn’t count yet.  It’s not going to count for the rest of my life right now.  It’s okay because it DOESN’T COUNT.

But now what do I do?  I’m still in this awful habit of not doing my homework and this year it does count.  I got kinda pretty bad grades last term (quarters (4) and semesters (2) this year) and this quarter is coming to an end on Friday, so there’s not really anything I can do about my sucky grades now.

The thing is, I want to do my work, and I want to change my habits, and I want to get good grades… but my parents just bug me about it every night, and even when I say “I’m gonna do my homework tonight/right now/whenever” my step-dad just laughs, like, “right,” as does my mom.  They do stuff like that all the time, and it kind of just gets on my nerves.  I’ve expressed how I feel about it too, so they know I don’t like it.  I mean they tease my other siblings, too, but it’s kind of gotten to the point where it’s just annoying and kind of offends me that they’ve completely given up on me the way I have in the past year or so.

I can tell they’re disappointed.  My mom has actually contacted the school councilor and I’ve been in to talk to her before, but I hate it because I can tell what she’s trying to do.  She’s trying to make me feel comfortable enough to talk to her about things I don’t tell my parents (or even what they think I don’t tell my parents, I dunno) and then she tries to get me to participate in clubs and crap that I don’t care about and raise my hand in class blah, blah, blah… and I can’t stand it.

I feel so trapped inside my head sometimes because right before Christmas, there was just this day where I was so frustrated for a few hours.  I seriously could not take it anymore.  A lot of the time I feel like just lying face-down on the floor like a hopeless lump, so that’s what I did.  My mom was a little worried I think, because I was making weird groaning noises and saying, “UUUUGGGGGHHHHHH” a lot.. :I 😛  I went and sort of hid behind the christmas tree?  I don’t know why I had the sudden urge to do that, but it was kind of nice just pushing my face into the branches (it’s a fake tree, by the way)  Then I sort of just laid (<–?) on the ground some more and then my mom talked about how I was so frustrated because of whatever I don’t know what she said… the same old reasons?

It was just a total mental breakdown.

It was while I was lying on the floor that I actually said to myself, “Alright, let’s find the problem here.  What is actually making me so frustrated?  Why am I so mad and sad all the time?  Why do I not want to do my schoolwork and do well?”

So I kind of just started mulling everything over in my head.  It was sort of just all the things I’ve been thinking on the surface for years but never actually letting myself think about really deep?

So it was like I was having this great childhood with my brother and sister.  My dad actually passed away when I was four, so that’s had a huge impact on my life.  I remember, before I moved to where I am now so my mom could marry my step-dad, catching fireflies with my brother and playing games and watching TV and playing with toys and stuff with him and my sister.  I also remember having dumb sibling-fights and stuff.  I actually used to go into his room and steal his stuff then hide it under my dresser… that was the first place he looked every time he thought something was missing… I never learned :’)

We had a cat, too.  Kitten, actually.  His name was Dice, and he was so cute!  He was white with black eyes ❤  He died when he was still really young, though. 😦

I remember our neighbor used to rake our leaves for us up against the trunk of the tree and I remember my best friend and things we did together…  I really miss the rainy weather and green grass there..

So that sort of happened, then I moved to where I am now.  I mean, don’t get me wrong, plenty of good things have come out of moving here.  I have a new best friend who is fantabulous, and I’ve made new friends since starting high school, but friends is kind of another problem (I’ll get to that in a minute).

So I moved here, and my step-siblings (there are three- six kids total in my house, plus our dog we just got 🙂 ) are nice and stuff, but there’s been so much more fighting these past 8 YEARS!!!  8 years?!??? D: Daaaaaannnnggg.

Okay, so my step-siblings spent a few years of their childhood without a mom, so that was probably hard.  They didn’t have her there to teach them things, but you’d think by now they’d be at least a little better with things 😥

The two boys fight a lot over stupid boy-things 😛 (it’s always in high-pitched character voices, though O_o) which I’d be able to deal with I guess, but my step-sister is, I’m sorry, a brat.  She wines and cries over the stupidest things and gets mad when people try to help her if she wants someone else to help her (sorry I don’t really know what I’m typing I’m kind of getting distracted at this point).  I could go on for hours with stories of things she has done/still does that makes my life miserable. She’s just messy and in my space and doing annoying things and she copies everything I do and it’s so annoying why can’t she please just copy someone else for a little while?

I know I’m not making any sense at this point, and it doesn’t sound that bad, but I’m honestly not putting down everything that’s going through my mind right now.  This is long enough as it is, even though I don’t really think anyone’s reading this now or ever will, I just need to let my thoughts out, and I don’t give a crap if they don’t make sense right now.

So.  Friends.  Right okay so I’ve never really had many friends because I’m kind of shy and socially awkward and ugh, and I still don’t really have that many, but I do have my one best best best friend and then like two or three friends that I know pretty well… one acquaintance who is sort of starting to become more of a friend and a friend who talks with me about YouTubers  a lot…  I have some more acquaintances and stuffs but I just feel lonely a lot…

I don’t really hang out with my friends outside of school anymore.  I guess we’re all kind of busy will school and other stuff, but the problem is, I’m not.  I don’t do my work.  So I end up on the internet all day.

So at this point I’ve thought of a lot of things that have made my life sucky thus far, and I begin to think maybe the internet and fandoms and stuff made me stop caring, which could be part of the problem, but every time I try to think of why I’m doing this, I just feel like I’m missing an important part and I just can’t put my finger on it.


So completely unrelated to a lot of the stuff above and more related to the stuff way up above, I have a test in math and biology tomorrow, and I haven’t studies for either one.  It’s almost midnight and I’ve had all day plus the weekend plus yesterday to study and of course I’ve just procrastinated.

So another thing about the original problem that I’ve mentioned about sort of not knowing what I’m doing and not caring about school and stuff….  Something that’s really been bothering me about this is that I want to change.  I really don’t care about my schoolwork and crap at the moment, but I know I’m going to care later.  I know one day I’m going to know what I want to do with my life, and I’m going to be sorry that I didn’t try hard in school.

I know what the consequences are going to be, and yet I keep doing whatever the heck I’m doing with myself right now and I feel like I have all these thoughts and feelings that I’ve mentioned so far and more stuck in my head and I keep them to myself and it makes me feel alone and depressed and trapped in my head and and and….

I just feel like I can’t do anything about it.  I can try harder next semester.  Right, okay, but what about the past two quarters?  I can’t do anything about that now.  Okay.

I don’t even know what I’m feeling anymore.  My thoughts are kind of getting jumbled in my head right now because I’ve been typing this for a while and it’s late and the song that just came up is distracting 😛

I just feel like crying a lot?  Like some days I’m just so sick of everyone being disappointed in me and yelling at me and lecturing me and talking to me (certain friends..) about things I don’t care about or don’t find funny anymore (maybe in 6th grade I did?)

Ugh I don’t know anymore.  I guess that’s another thing: I feel confused a lot and all these thoughts and emotions just swirl around in my head and I keep them to myself.  I know what my mom will say if I tell her certain things, know what I mean?  I’ve seen her reaction to different things I’ve told her in the past, plus what I’ve hear her say to my brother when they talk, and besides, whenever I talk to my mom about things, she always ends up making me feel worse about myself.  She tells me I need to change this, and I need to stop doing that, and if I could just stop being so whatever… it’s what she does to my brother as well.

I know she means well, but it really makes me feel bad about myself.  I know my brother feels the same way about this because he’s actually told my mom before.  I’ve never made that mistake because I know that she’s then going to get offended or say that that’s not what she said.  Most of the time I guess she really doesn’t say it, but it is pretty strongly implied.


There’s a lot of other things that have happened in my life that have made an impact on it, but I think I’ve really overdone it already X3  Well as I really don’t know where to go from this point, I guess I’ll just leave it at that.

I’m terribly sorry that was so painfully long and probably boring and I’m sure you didn’t read it all the way through and that’s fine.  That wasn’t even everything I’ve been thinking all these years, but that’s okay, I got a lot of stuff out and it kind of feels good knowing that maybe, maybe, maybe, at least one person will have read it.  Even just that I can read it.

I’m sorry about any grammar mistakes (I know I made them).

I love all of you guys and if any of you are going through a hard time right now I’m sending good vibes your way ❤

Okay, Imma just shut up now, bye! ❤ ❤

Stuck.. D:

Hello! Hello!

So I said I was planning on doing book reviews, and I still am but… I don’t know what book to do…. Maybe you guys can help? Just suggest something in the comments or let me know your preference on which ones I should do from the list that I will put down there \/ \/ \/ in a minute 😀

I’m also not really sure what I should blog about.  So far, I’ve just sort of been expressing opinions on things, but what would you guys like to read about?  I mean, I am going to post things that I think of myself, but I think maybe I could help people out? I’m not sure if you know what I’m talking about, but maybe someone out there wants to read opinions, advice, etc. on a certain topic, but they can’t find a post on it.  Or maybe they want multiple opinions.  Or maybe just one thing that I might say that someone else did not could help the reader? .-.

I might put a list of a few topics I’ve thought of (also down there \/ \/ \/), but I’d like to know kind of what you’d be interested in reading about 🙂

I would just like to add really quick: if any of you are feeling down, upset, etc. at the moment just know that I love you guys and care about all of you even if I don’t know you ❤

A few books I’ve read recently:

  • I am Number Four series (Lorien Legacies) (*I haven’t read the Lost Files though 🙂 )
  • The Selection trilogy
  • Legend trilogy
  • This Star Won’t Go Out
  • Matched trilogy [*I’ve only read the first two (and it actually wasn’t recently but shhh 😉 )]
  • The Maze Runner trilogy (*I haven’t read the prequel)

Some books I’m plan on reading/finishing soon/in the future:

  • Will Grayson, Will Grayson
  • Looking for Alaska
  • Paper Towns (a lot of John Green, I know XD )
  • The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones (can’t really get into it, that’s why I’m being so specific ^.^)
  • Thirteen Reasons Why

Okay, I think that’s enough for now 😛  Remember: if you have any suggestions on what I should read/review or if you want to know if I’ve read something or whatever just comment! c:

*I would make a list of stuff to post about here but I really have no idea…

Um…. I was thinking maybe talking a bit about stereotypes?

But seriously, please, please, please let me know what you’d like to see!!!

D: I want to post, but I’m completely stuck!

Alrighty, I guess that’s all for now! ^-^  Bye! ❤

About… Me.

Alright, so because I know you all care so much, I’m going to tell you a little about myself so I’m not a complete stranger. :3

So I guess I’ll just get started…:

  • Um so I’m a 14-almost-15-year-old girl from the USA
  • I am a fangirl [fandoms include, but are not limited to, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Divergent (kinda), John Green (sort of, yeah I guess), I started watching Doctor Who but am still on season 2, I plan on watching Sherlock sometime soon, Psych (although I’m not sure if that counts as a fandom), I’m a Sheerio (Ed Sheeran) if that counts, and YouTube]
  • YouTubers I watch include, but are not limited to, Tyler Oakley, Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell), AmazingPhil (Phil Lester), Troye Sivan, PointlessBlog (Alfie Deyes), Zoella (Zoe Sugg), ThatcherJoe (Joe Sugg), Connor Franta, Miranda Sings/Colleen Ballinger, Marcus Butler, Vlogbrothers (John and Hank Green), Caspar Lee, and SHAYTARDS.  …Sorry about the long list, that’s not even all of them 😛
  • I have a dog named Magic that I got on new years day
  • I love reading and the internet and food and fandoms and-
  • There’s legitimately nothing else to say
  • Um my favorite color at the moment is red I guess but usually, if I’m asked what my favorite color is I think to myself, ‘ALL the colors!  Besides the crap ones that look like old mustard and boogers and stuff’ and then just say red or orange 😛
  • I really enjoy writing and art, but I also really love stuff involving technology like editing pictures and videos and stuff
  • I’ve wanted to start a YouTube channel for a while, but my mom is really protective when it comes to the internet, and although she’s gotten better about some things, she doesn’t want me putting my face on websites and stuff 😦
  • I was thinking about filming like from my shoulders down or something but 1. that would be extremely annoying to anyone who watched those videos and 2. I don’t have a proper camera anyway, so what’s the point :/
  • I admin two Facebook pages (plus my admin page, but that doesn’t really count), We Will Stick With Harry Until The End And After and Welcome to the fandom- You will never leave. and my admin name is ~Fravenclorge 😛 (half self-promo but hey, there were no links! XP)
  • My music knowledge is, I’d say, limited in terms of bands/singers that I know of, but some of my favorites are Green Day, Imagine Dragons, and Ed Sheeran (<3<3<3) *I also tend to enjoy songs from musicals 🙂
  • Ah, yes, I’m that kid who takes choir because they like it and not for an easy A
  • And yeah I think that’s all :3

Welp, I hope someone out there is somewhat like me XD

Let me just tell you a story really quick:

So If you watch Dan Howell, then you probably know he tends to be a socially awkward person… 😛  I’m socially awkward sometimes, but not all the time, which I think is kind of just as bad as being socially awkward all the time.  So it was like the first week of school and stuff and we had had a summer reading project in English, and we were put in groups of 3 or 4 to discuss the book (I ended up being the only one in my group who actually read the book and did the project, dang it, so I had to ‘lead’ the “discussion” :I)

Anyways, we were all introducing ourselves to each other and I said something along the lines of, “Um, hi…. Just so you guys know… I’m kind of a socially awkward person sometimes, so I am so sorry if I… do anything… or… something…”

And they all just looked at me like hehe yeah… okay. :I

Sort of like this picture (I’m Rita Skeeter):


But now I’m friends with one of the girls who was in my group, and it turns out she watches YouTubers all day, too!  And she’s also socially awkward sometimes! XP

She told me that that’s when she knew she needed to be my friend, because I understood. XDDD

So I guess the moral of the story is, if you are socially awkward, it can be both good and bad to say it out loud in public- your choice 🙂  XD

Well this ended up being longer than I expected, so bye!!! (and remember: the cat whiskers come from within! =^.^=)

Book Reviews? (and some random stuff from my life that no one cares about but too bad XD)

So I know I don’t have many followers, but whatever 😛

(Thanks, by the way, you guys!  Yes, I’m talking to you four c: )

I was thinking about doing book reviews?  It probably wouldn’t be like a consistent thing… maybe just whenever I finish a book I make a post about it, I dunno, just thought I might try it!  Feel free to express your opinion(s) about it in the comments 😛

**A few random things about my life because you all care so much**

I got a dog yesterday!!!  We had to put our first one down a few months ago, and my siblings and I have been asking ever since for another one.  It was actually because of our first dog (Gabe), who we found and couldn’t track down an owner for, that we have our new one (Magic).  <– Because we sort of accidentally ended up with a dog, it kind of broke through my parents if you get what I’m saying at all

I have no idea if that made any sense (probably not), but oh well, no one really cares about my dog stories anyway 😛

This is Magic:


When we went to the humane society, we weren’t planning on actually getting a dog– we were just looking.  But then we ended up with Magic! 😀 (no complaints there :3) He’s sweet ^.^

Also, can I just let it out, okay:  Ed Sheeran is life.  Seriously he is like the world’s greatest human and his music is freaking amazing.

*My next post will probably be stuff about me so I’m not a total stranger, so just be prepared for that (I know a lot of people don’t really care about posts like that, so I’d thought I’d just mention it!)

Kay. Yeah. That’s all, happy new year, byyyyyeeee! =^.^=

Internet Drama (sucks)

I just want to say something about internet drama.

I hate it.  Like seriously, ugh.

The problem is, I enjoy doing other stuff on the internet, and there’s no way to avoid drama.  No matter what you’re doing you always come across someone flipping out at someone else and I find it extremely annoying.

I mean, I understand opinions, but sometimes people just go overboard.  I wish everyone could just politely respect others and their actions/opinions.

The reason I actually started thinking about this in the first place was Zoella and her book.

I think that a lot of people on the internet are so convinced that what they think is right, that they won’t accept an answer unless it’s the one they want.  Take… um… Phan for example… XD a lot of the people who ship Phan will say something along the lines of “yeah right” if Dan and/or Phil were to say they’re not a thing.  However, if they were to say that they are indeed a thing, then people would accept it, no problem.  So sorry if that example was weird.

Many times, people will say that they are really big fans of someone (or something, but in this case, ‘someone’ makes more sense 🙂 ), but then the person says or does something that the fan doesn’t agree with and the fan goes nuts.  Okay so you’re a fan of that person as long as they do what you want?  Just support/respect them!  If you don’t agree with something that someone does, there’s no need for you to hate on them- they can do what they want.  They shouldn’t have to worry about what people will say and do.

I’m not saying that you have to love everything they do or agree with everything they say or support everything that they do, but think for a minute about the things that you think, do, enjoy, etc.  Now imagine having an audience (small or large) on the internet who will judge you and hate on you and do everything they can to get you to change because they don’t agree with you on those things, and they won’t like you for it.

All these people you see on the internet are exactly that- people.  They should be able to feel comfortable with their fans and sharing things with them.  I mean, that doesn’t mean they have to tell them everything about them and their life, but they shouldn’t not because it will turn happy, supportive fans into haters.  (Everyone can easily tell who the ‘normal?’ haters are)

Not a fan?  Don’t get involved.

Don’t agree?  Don’t express your opinion!  At least not in a rude way.  Don’t word your comments in such a way that it will attract the crap-load of people enthusiastically defending the person.  If you have an opinion that you feel you want to share, do it in a neutral kind of way… show that you understand and respect both sides and the person.

Maybe try putting yourself in that person’s shoes before writing hateful comments.  How would you feel if you had been working up the courage to tell something to the internet only to get little to no support?

I really think that hate comments stand out much more than the supportive ones.  They attract so many people, whether they be defending the person, agreeing with you, whatever… everyone always ends up arguing with each other.



I understand the want to express your opinion/argue/correct someone else, but seriously, try your best to hold it in.  That’s what I do, and while I still have to deal with reading everyone else’s immature arguments, I have the perk of not wasting my time trying to make people understand….

Really and truly, try to ignore people.  It beats getting involved in things and allows you to think about other stuff.  I speak from experience here.

Have a lovely day!!!!!!

Okay bye c: