I know I’ve kind of been gone a while, but I’ve been tRYING TO SORT MY LIFE OUT.

So you know that super long post that I made a while back that was pretty much me just venting some of my thoughts? No? That’s fine, don’t go read it- it’s boring and long and probably makes no sense as I was half asleep the entire time I was writing it.

Anyway, let me just explain (again? I dunno, I can’t remember… sorry!! I write things down in different places, so I’m not sure what I’ve put where and I don’t want to check right now because I’m just that lazy.)

Image result for dan howell saying he's lazy

Actually, never mind… I’m not going to explain (again?) right now because I just started to and it’s gonna take a while…

Pretty much I’ve just been trying (sort of) to catch up on school things, get more active on admining my Facebook pages, and just figuring crap out….

But anyways, let me catch you up on what’s happened since my last post:

My birthday happened!! I didn’t get much on my birthday, but I’m going to an Ed Sheeran concert in a few months 😀 (probably… we looked at violins yesterday, and I might get one so that’s expensive and it might be too much to have both D: )

I changed my admin name! It used to be ~Fravenclorge, but then I decided/realized that I was a little bit more of a Hufflepuff than a Ravenclaw, and changed it to ~The Dancing Dark Side (sort of got that from A Very Potter Musical). The whole story is on my admin page, though ^-^

I procrastinated!

I got sucked in to my terrible mind vortex of sadness and realizing how much I have/am wasting my life!

I watched Danisnotonfire and related to almost everything he said!

I watched other YouTubers, scrolled through social media websites, and listened to Ed Sheeran, Imagine Dragons, and BriBry (although I guess he counts as both a YouTuber and musician)!


Welp, I guess I’ll just go do that some more…. Bye <<< 333

p.s. I might do another book review soon c: