-Short Update Post-

I’ve been scrolling through my old posts like



Oh well.

Random but I’ve been thinking- a lot of people blog more seriously and stuff but… honestly I like being casual so sorry if I seem unprofessional or something (this was never supposed to be a professional thing, I just wanted a new (for me)Β place to post what I want)! c:

Now for all the stuff no one cares about (what I’ve done recently that I feel like writing/typing/whatever somewhere):

  • Β My last post was before the Ed Sheeran concert…. THAT WAS A THING! It was an amazing thing, his voice is just-
  • I started watching Supernatural πŸ˜€ (I’m only on Season 6, but once I finish all the episodes on Netflix I’ll probably make a post about it)
  • School ended, but now it’s starting again help
  • I procrastinated on my summer reading assignment whoops
  • Believe it or not, I did actually do one thing over the summer besides scrolling, Netflix, food, etc. I went to my grandparents’ house a state away (that was actually when I started Supernatural…. Hm.). I painted a little, which, for the record, I’m not very good at, and we saw Wicked! That musical is life.
  • I got a couple t-shirts and posters? They make me happy, alright?
  • Aaaaaaaand that’s all I’ve done in like five months. So productive.
  • SPEAKING OF PRODUCTIVE THOUGH- I had a slight pre- school year crisis and stopped admining most of my pages. I did keep my admin page and occasionally post on it, though. πŸ™‚ I thought it was best, but apparently did nothing *cough* summer reading *cough*
  • I did make two Dan and Phil pages, though, and I’m still on those because I couldn’t bring myself to give them to anyone as most of the admins on them are inactive.
  • I also read some books and cleaned out my bookshelf.
  • Okay that’s it.

I’ll write something interesting soon.

Stay amazing ❀


About… Me.

Alright, so because I know you all care so much, I’m going to tell you a little about myself so I’m not a complete stranger. :3

So I guess I’ll just get started…:

  • Um so I’m a 14-almost-15-year-old girl from the USA
  • I am a fangirl [fandoms include, but are not limited to, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, Divergent (kinda), John Green (sort of, yeah I guess), I started watching Doctor Who but am still on season 2, I plan on watching Sherlock sometime soon, Psych (although I’m not sure if that counts as a fandom), I’m a Sheerio (Ed Sheeran) if that counts, and YouTube]
  • YouTubers I watch include, but are not limited to, Tyler Oakley, Danisnotonfire (Dan Howell), AmazingPhil (Phil Lester), Troye Sivan, PointlessBlog (Alfie Deyes), Zoella (Zoe Sugg), ThatcherJoe (Joe Sugg), Connor Franta, Miranda Sings/Colleen Ballinger, Marcus Butler, Vlogbrothers (John and Hank Green), Caspar Lee, and SHAYTARDS.Β  …Sorry about the long list, that’s not even all of them πŸ˜›
  • I have a dog named Magic that I got on new years day
  • I love reading and the internet and food and fandoms and-
  • There’s legitimately nothing else to say
  • Um my favorite color at the moment is red I guess but usually, if I’m asked what my favorite color is I think to myself, ‘ALL the colors!Β  Besides the crap ones that look like old mustard and boogers and stuff’ and then just say red or orange πŸ˜›
  • I really enjoy writing and art, but I also really love stuff involving technology like editing pictures and videos and stuff
  • I’ve wanted to start a YouTube channel for a while, but my mom is really protective when it comes to the internet, and although she’s gotten better about some things, she doesn’t want me putting my face on websites and stuff 😦
  • I was thinking about filming like from my shoulders down or something but 1. that would be extremely annoying to anyone who watched those videos and 2. I don’t have a proper camera anyway, so what’s the point :/
  • I admin two Facebook pages (plus my admin page, but that doesn’t really count), We Will Stick With Harry Until The End And After and Welcome to the fandom- You will never leave. and my admin name is ~Fravenclorge πŸ˜› (half self-promo but hey, there were no links! XP)
  • My music knowledge is, I’d say, limited in terms of bands/singers that I know of, but some of my favorites are Green Day, Imagine Dragons, and Ed Sheeran (<3<3<3) *I also tend to enjoy songs from musicals πŸ™‚
  • Ah, yes, I’m that kid who takes choir because they like it and not for an easy A
  • And yeah I think that’s all :3

Welp, I hope someone out there is somewhat like me XD

Let me just tell you a story really quick:

So If you watch Dan Howell, then you probably know he tends to be a socially awkward person… πŸ˜›Β  I’m socially awkward sometimes, but not all the time, which I think is kind of just as bad as being socially awkward all the time.Β  So it was like the first week of school and stuff and we had had a summer reading project in English, and we were put in groups of 3 or 4 to discuss the book (I ended up being the only one in my group who actually read the book and did the project, dang it, so I had to ‘lead’ the “discussion” :I)

Anyways, we were all introducing ourselves to each other and I said something along the lines of, “Um, hi…. Just so you guys know… I’m kind of a socially awkward person sometimes, so I am so sorry if I… do anything… or… something…”

And they all just looked at me like hehe yeah… okay. :I

Sort of like this picture (I’m Rita Skeeter):


But now I’m friends with one of the girls who was in my group, and it turns out she watches YouTubers all day, too!Β  And she’s also socially awkward sometimes! XP

She told me that that’s when she knew she needed to be my friend, because I understood. XDDD

So I guess the moral of the story is, if you are socially awkward, it can be both good and bad to say it out loud in public- your choice πŸ™‚Β  XD

Well this ended up being longer than I expected, so bye!!! (and remember: the cat whiskers come from within! =^.^=)