Book Reviews? (and some random stuff from my life that no one cares about but too bad XD)

So I know I don’t have many followers, but whatever 😛

(Thanks, by the way, you guys!  Yes, I’m talking to you four c: )

I was thinking about doing book reviews?  It probably wouldn’t be like a consistent thing… maybe just whenever I finish a book I make a post about it, I dunno, just thought I might try it!  Feel free to express your opinion(s) about it in the comments 😛

**A few random things about my life because you all care so much**

I got a dog yesterday!!!  We had to put our first one down a few months ago, and my siblings and I have been asking ever since for another one.  It was actually because of our first dog (Gabe), who we found and couldn’t track down an owner for, that we have our new one (Magic).  <– Because we sort of accidentally ended up with a dog, it kind of broke through my parents if you get what I’m saying at all

I have no idea if that made any sense (probably not), but oh well, no one really cares about my dog stories anyway 😛

This is Magic:


When we went to the humane society, we weren’t planning on actually getting a dog– we were just looking.  But then we ended up with Magic! 😀 (no complaints there :3) He’s sweet ^.^

Also, can I just let it out, okay:  Ed Sheeran is life.  Seriously he is like the world’s greatest human and his music is freaking amazing.

*My next post will probably be stuff about me so I’m not a total stranger, so just be prepared for that (I know a lot of people don’t really care about posts like that, so I’d thought I’d just mention it!)

Kay. Yeah. That’s all, happy new year, byyyyyeeee! =^.^=