Book Reviews (#1): Will Grayson, Will Grayson

I’m finally starting book reviews!  I kinda said weeks ago that I was going to do them, but… uh… I actually have no excuse… 😛 Hush.

Soooooooo I decided the first book I’m going to do is Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan.  I know John Green is pretty popular (I personally do not know much about David Levithan), but there’s always people who haven’t read this book or that book, right?  Plus those who just want others’ opinions on it.  Yeah..


*This post contains no spoilers*



Okay, so ummm speaking from experience, links can be annoying, plus my laptop sucks butt and is having problems right now, so I’ll just tell you (if you don’t know the book very well) the summary on the back. X3

One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, two strangers cross paths.  Two teens with the same name, running in two very different circles, suddenly find their lives going in a new and unexpected directions, culminating in heroic turns-of-heart and the most epic musical ever to grace the high school stage.

So if swearing bothers you, or you’d rather not read a ton of it, I wouldn’t recommend this book to you, because it has a lot (for me, anyways- I know some people care more than others about language in books).  Also, a review from the New York Times on the front of my copy says, “Funny, rude and original.”  It is, as a matter of fact, all of those things. 😛

I’m not a big fan of “rude” books, but it was okay, I guess…

I thought it was a little slow at first, but I stuck with it because a lot of books are kind of slow at the beginning (and I hate it).  I really liked the ending, though.


Chapter 20 was pretty great XP

But really, though, I liked chapter 20 (a.k.a. the last one)

What happened at the end of it was awesome and the kind of thing where, like, if I were watching a YouTube video of that, I would be getting the chills.  I actually did get the chills, because books are my really long movies :3  I like movies and everything, but books really get into detail and stuff.. anyways, I’m not going to talk too much about that right now because someone commented on my last post (I think it was my last one?) saying that I should do a post about my favorite books and stuff, so I think my next post (or one of my next few) will be my favorite books, genres, my opinions on certain things, etc… so yeah.


Overall, I thought it was pretty good, though a little out of my comfort zone with language and inappropriate jokes. 😛

One thing that really bothered me, though, was that it switched off between both Will Graysons, which I can usually handle, except to show who was talking, one of the POVs was just normal print and stuff, while the other POV was the same font just… nothing was capitalized. DX I was dying the entire book I could hardly handle it :3

Ugh I’m kind of tired right now, and I know that if I save this as a draft I won’t finish it, so I’m just going to end this here…

I don’t really know what to put about the book, so if there’s anything you wanted to know or wanted me to talk about, just comment it and I’ll tell you there 😀

Yeah, I’m going to sleep now, I can barely keep my eyes open XD

Bye! ❤ ❤